Single Payer Is Root Cause for VA Deaths

Former Chief of Staff of the Army and current Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki "falling on his sword" won’t bring back a single veteran who died needlessly while waiting for approved medical care. He is being used as a scapegoat. Singling out specific institutions such as Phoenix VA Hospital is a diversionary tactic — it won’t get veterans the timely doctor visits they need. Blaming never fixes anything, and tweaking the VA system won’t make things right, nor will throwing money at it.
The problem with the VA system is the system, a single payer model. Newspaper headlines shrieked outrage over unconscionable wait times to see a doctor; inadequate operating rooms; and needed medicines not available. This should come as no surprise. That is the way single payer systems work. That is the norm, not the exception.
Look to our north for proof, to the single payer system in Canada. Fifteen years ago, a Canadian surgeon named Dr. Ciaran McNamee sued the Alberta Provincial government claiming that patients were dying needlessly, while waiting for authorized (but not funded) care. He had good hard medical data to back up his claim, showing that there were not enough operating rooms, too few nurses or doctors, and insufficient medicines, all due to a government budget allocation process. The phrase applied to these patients, equally appropriate for our veterans, was death-by-queueing.
A queue is the British word meaning standing in a line. The current VA scandal comes as a surprise to many. It certainly shouldn’t. In 2003, a task force established by President GW Bush reported that at least 236,000 (!) U.S. veterans were waiting six months or more for a first medical appointment or initial follow-up. Nothing was changed in eleven years.
Read More click here: Fixing US Healthcare
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