Top Reasons to Buy Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare

The COVID pandemic has shown how much we need the private sector in healthcare. It was the free market that got us early testing, ramped up production of personal protective equipment and ventilators, and instantly developed ideas for both treatment drugs and vaccines.
Meanwhile, the public sector, Washington, expends trillions of our "healthcare" dollars on federal bureaucracy, taking those dollars away from patient care. This wasted money comes from businesses like yours where health insurance premiums are taking an impossibly large bite out of the bottom line, while consuming a third of your employees' take-home pay!
Just as our 1776 rebellion against an overly controlling government led to the birth of the United States, we need another American revolution, led by We the People, or We the Patients. We must reassert our FREEDOM, particularly from Washington's domination. As Americans, we need to reaffirm our right to choose our medical care and our care providers.
Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based Medicine outlines an efficient, workable plan StatesCare that returns control of healthcare to the American people. With StatesCare, businesses will not be burdened by huge insurance payments, and Americans can get affordable medical care when they need it.
Written by a physician who studied and trained at Yale, Chicago Medical School, Mayo Clinic, Northwestern, Harvard, and Anderson Graduate Schools, the book is a must-read for corporations, organizations, and other entities that want a healthcare system that will make medical care readily accessible, will save lives, and will reduce the bottom line to a spending level we can all afford. Curing the Cancer can restore health to a critically ill American healthcare system.
Discounts are available for bulk purchases. Read the book, share it, and be part of the cure.

Read more click here: Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare


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