Seesaw Proves American Healthcare 'Wisdom' Wrong

Common wisdom teaches that those who have health insurance get the care they need when they need it, and that those who don't have coverage, don't get care. This false "wisdom" is used by progressives to push for government-controlled, single payer healthcare.
Evidence proves that this wisdom is not wise. In fact, it is 180 degrees wrong.
Texas has the highest uninsured rate in the U.S. at 17.1 percent and a Medicaid enrollment of 16 percent. New York state has the lowest uninsured rate, 5.4 percent, and Medicaid enrollment double of Texas, 32 percent.
Thus, Texas and New York are polar opposites with regard to health insurance. One-Texas- has the most uninsured and the fewest individuals with government supplied, no-charge health insurance. New York has the fewest uninsured and the most Medicaid enrollees.
How successful are New York and Texas in providing care?
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