Release Free Market for Affordable, Accessible Medical Care

There are several lessons we?have?learned from the CoViD-19 experience such as: the unreliability of predictive models; the danger of depending on foreign supply chains; over-reaction can be a deadly as under-reaction; and the need for better contingency planning.
There is one lesson we have not absorbed: to get timely, affordable care, Americans need the private sector, the free market, not government-controlled healthcare.
When the CoViD-19 crisis began, it was private companies not government agencies that quickly produced diagnostic tests, personal protective equipment, ventilators, and developed ideas for both curative medicines and vaccines.
The hallmark of a free market is freedom of both buyer and seller, who interact directly. A consumer, the buyer, is free to buy or refuse, what to buy, from whom, and for what price. The seller is free to sell what he thinks consumers will want, and sets the price of products or services in competition with other sellers.
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