Attending Doctor Should Decide Life or Death-No One Else!

Elected officials such as New York and Atlanta mayors as well as clinical physicians, viz., in Maryland and Colorado, are projecting there will be more patients who need life-saving CoViD-19 services than there are facilities--ICU beds and ventilators--available. Such an imbalance between the needs of critically ill patients and healthcare capabilities requires triage, deciding who gets care and who waits.
Who should do the triage? Who should make the life or death decision?
Triage of the sick or injured started on the battlefield probably during Napoleon's 1799 siege of the ancient city of Acre in northern Israel. Many of his troops became ill from poor sanitation and inadequate food. The soldiers were separated or "triaged" into those fit to fight and those who were not.
So, We must protect the direct fiduciary connection between doctors and individual patients. There should be no other person or group making these Solomon-like life or death decisions. The only person who should triage you is the doctor on the scene.
Read More: COVID19
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