Medicare-for-All Is Poison–“StatesCare” Is the Antidote

Deceptively labeled Medicare-for-All, Democrats’ plan for single payer healthcare, is nothing less than poison–hemlock for healthcare. It will “federalize” our system, what is called nationalization in socialist countries. Medicare-for-All would exacerbate the three basic problems Americans face in healthcare: overspending, un-affordability, and inadequate access. Adding insult to injury, Medicare-for-All, H.R. 1384, is unconstitutional.

Calling Sanders’ plan “Medicare-for-All,” is the height of dishonesty. Section 901(a)(1)(A)of H.R. 1384 abolishes the Medicare program and Section 701(d)takes all the money in the Medicare Trust Fund.

Medicare-for-All would be lethal poison for US healthcare. It runs afoul of American founding principles as well as the U.S. Constitution.

Washington has been fixing US healthcare for more than fifty years. Their “fixes” have brought us to the current brink of disaster. Medicare (1965) will be insolvent by 2026. Medicaid (1965) fails to deliver care needed by medically vulnerable Americans.

The antidote is de-federalization, where the American people in their states decide their healthcare (Return authority to where it belongs–with We the People in their states), also known as States Care.

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Deane Waldman


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