Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare

When it comes to our health care, we all want the same thing: the care we need, when we need it from people we choose at a price we can afford. Americans are confused about how to achieve this. 
Why must all Americans have the same healthcare structure? If Californians want a single-payer system, if Texans want market-based medicine, and if New Yorkers want Obamacare, why should Washington say no to 86 million Americans?
In this book, you’ll discover: 

  • Washington and insurance companies practice more medicine than doctors.
  • What we can do to cure the cancer devouring our healthcare system.
  • Why StatesCare is the answer to our healthcare nightmares. 
  • How a market-based healthcare system with safety net can work for all Americans. 

Buy the Book to save money and restore your freedom to choose your healthcare. 


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