
Showing posts from December, 2019

Waldman_Direct-Pay Health Care (Market-Based Medicine)

To  fix healthcare , we need to reconnect the patient with the doctor with a third party in between.  This “cure” for sick healthcare is called direct-pay health care, or market-based medicine. 

Restoring Healthcare in America-Is It Possible?

U.S. healthcare is failing: it doesn't deliver timely care and spends money we don't have and can't afford. Can healthcare be fixed? In 2018, the average American family spent $28,166 on healthcare costs. The same year, the U.S. poured $3.65 trillion -the GDP of Germany-into its healthcare system. Despite this incredible outlay, maximum average wait time to see a primary doctor increased to more than four months, and "47,000 veterans may have died waiting for . . . medical care." Two actions will restore healthcare so that We the People can get timely, affordable care. Without doubt, Americans have the need, but do they have will?   Read more... Deane Waldman 87176-7396

Waldman: "Where do all those healthcare trillions go??"

In 2018, the U.S. spent $3.6 trillion on  healthcare , an amount equal to the entire GDP of Germany. Where does all that money go?  This video answers that question–you won’t like the answer. 

How to Get Timely, Affordable Health Care | Healthcare and Insurance

To get what you want, you must first decide what that is. If you believe media reports on healthcare, the public wants to save money and to have health insurance. Money and insurance are not our primary healthcare desires. What we want is simple and universal: access to timely affordable health care. Federal politicians have been promising to deliver timely affordable care to Americans for more than half a century. Their repeated "fixes" have brought healthcare to its present sorry state-spending too much and not getting care. Having timely affordable care starts with StatesCare: take control away from Washington and return authority where it belongs, We the People in their states. Two benefits will quickly accrue. Read more... Deane Waldman 87176-7396

You don't want an EFFICIENT doctor!

An efficient doctor spends the least time with each patient. That way he or she sees the most patients.  What you want is an EFFECTIVE physician, one who  restores good health .

Waldman Bonus video 1: Healthcare has CANCER

Learn how and why the American Healthcare System has "cancer" of the federal bureaucracy. Also, know how healthcare can be fixed–by cutting out the cancer!

Medicare-for-All Is Poison–“StatesCare” Is the Antidote

Deceptively labeled Medicare-for-All, Democrats’ plan for single payer healthcare, is nothing less than poison–hemlock for healthcare. It will “federalize” our system, what is called nationalization in socialist countries. Medicare-for-All would exacerbate the three basic problems Americans face in healthcare: overspending, un-affordability, and inadequate access. Adding insult to injury, Medicare-for-All, H.R. 1384, is unconstitutional. Calling Sanders’ plan “Medicare-for-All,” is the height of dishonesty. Section 901(a)(1)(A)of H.R. 1384 abolishes the Medicare program and Section 701(d)takes all the money in the Medicare Trust Fund. Medicare-for-All would be lethal poison for US healthcare. It runs afoul of American founding principles as well as the U.S. Constitution. Washington has been fixing US healthcare for more than fifty years. Their “fixes” have brought us to the current brink of disaster. Medicare (1965) will be insolvent by 2026. Medicaid (1965) fails to deliver c...

Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare

When it comes to our health care, we all want the same thing: the care we need, when we need it from people we choose at a price we can afford. Americans are confused about how to achieve this.  Why must all Americans have the same healthcare structure? If Californians want a single-payer system, if Texans want market-based medicine, and if New Yorkers want Obamacare, why should Washington say no to 86 million Americans? In this book, you’ll discover:  Washington and insurance companies practice more medicine than doctors. What we can do to cure the cancer devouring our healthcare system. Why  StatesCare  is the answer to our healthcare nightmares.  How a market-based healthcare system with safety net can work for all Americans.  Buy the Book  to  save money and restore your freedom to choose your healthcare.