In Healthcare,Freedom or Entitlement – Choose One
How did 13 small colonies of the
globe-spanning British Empire become the leader among nations in less than two
and a half centuries? Answer: Freedom and its resulting “can do” culture. Freed
from government controls and released from class constraints, the “new
Americans” believed they could do anything and everything, and then . . . they
did. In1825 U.S.A., Alexis de Tocqueville observed that the federal government
was not involved in the daily lives of Americans. Entitlements did not exist.
Before 1776, Americans were entitled to whatever the British aristocracy gave to
its subjects. In 20th century Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, comrades
were entitled to whatever the Central
Committee decreed. Have Americans reverted to become subjects of a new
aristocracy–the federal professional political class? Are we a resurrected proletariat subservient
to a totalitarian state? Will we replace freedom and capitalism with socialism
and entitlement? If the Democrats manage to enact their single payer plan,
Medicare-for-All, H.R. 1384, the answer would be an emphatic yes!
My analysis shows the following effects
of Medicare-for-All on Americans. Sections 107 and 614 seek to eliminate the
profit motive in healthcare, which supporters believe is the culprit for
healthcare system failure. Section 202pointedly rejects all forms of personal
responsibility such as cost-sharing and work requirements.
Per sections 102, 103, 601, and 611
through 614of H.R. 1384, freedom of choice, private property, and free market
forces would be replaced by universal entitlement and central economic planning,
along with price and wage controls just like communist Russia. With
Medicare-for-All, Americans’ options for both care modalities and choice of providers
would be determined by Washington, not by We the Patients.
Some supporters of Medicare-for-All claim
it will save money. They point to other nations
with single payer systems who spend less per capita than the U.S. by wide
margins. Countries like Great Britain and Canada accomplish their savings by medical rationing: refusal to authorize
expensive treatments and limiting allocations so that there are insufficient
facilities such as operating rooms and burn units.
Patients in single payer systems like the
proposed Medicare-for-All experience “death
by queueing,”
succumbing to treatable disease while waiting in line for care. Americans need
not leave the U.S. to observe this phenomenon. Both the VA system and Medicaid have reported
death-by-queuing, including the front page news and quite preventable demise of
12-year old Deamonte Driver from a dental cavity.
While patient care is undoubtedly the
first priority for any healthcare system, dollar efficiency is the second.
Rather than focusing on reduced spending, the U.S. should seek to acquire
requisite value for monies expended. Since the desired value is timely, quality
medical care, dollar efficient spending would devote the most dollars to care
and the fewest dollars wasted on non-care activities such as federal bureaucracy.
Will Medicare-for-All save money? Will
it be dollar efficient? No, and highly doubtful.
Official federal watchdog agencies
such as the CBO have notyet scoredH.R. 1384. Cost projections are available
from Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders and Professor Charles Blahous of the Mercatus
Center at George Mason University.
Senator Sanders’ latest estimate puts
the Medicare-for-All price tag at $40 trillion. Professor Blahous
calculated a cost of $32.6 trillion. To put these amounts in
perspective, Obamacare cost $1.76 trillion and the entire US GDP in
2018 was $20.5 trillion. To pay for Medicare-for-All, Professor Blahous
estimated that every American’s tax bill would double.
To achieve the price of only $32.6 trillion over ten years,
Professor Blahous had to include a 40 percent cut in payments to physicians.
This will of course exacerbate the physician shortage and further increase
already unacceptable wait times.
Medicare-for-All is likely to bankrupt
the U.S. There is no evidence that it will be dollar efficient. In fact, there
is a high probability, based on past performance, that federally controlled
healthcare will be extremely dollar inefficient.
Long before the ACA, a 1999 study showed that federal administration,
regulation and compliance consumed 31 percent of healthcare spending.
Over the past twenty years, the bureaucracy has expanded greatly so that today,
the cost of federal administration, regulation, and compliance is likely to approach
50 percent of all healthcare spending.
In 2018, the U.S spent $3.5 trillion on healthcare. If half
went to bureaucracy, $1.75 trillion was expended inefficiently—it produced no
care. If Medicare-for-All became law, the U.S. would spend at least an
additional $3.26 trillion a year on healthcare. If the cost of bureaucracy
remained at 50 percent, we would then be wasting $5.2 trillion a year on
healthcare bureaucracy. For comparison, the third most productive nation on
earth, Japan, had a GDP in 2018 of $4.9 trillion.
Citing Medicare-for-All as a test
case, do Americans really want to trade our freedom and our capitalist success
for entitlement and socialism to become Venezuela or the now-defunct U.S.S.R.?
The answer for healthcare is to treat
the root cause of system failure: federal control of healthcare. Get Washington
out of healthcare and let the people in their states decide. I call this StatesCare in the new book, “Curing the
Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare
and Market-Based Medicine.” Furthermore, released from federal
one-size-fits-all, people could choose the healthcare they want. The book
contains proof that market-based medicine, which reconnects patient and doctor
without a third party in between, is a preferable alternative to any form of federal
Waldman, MD MBA, is Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Decision
Science; and author of “Curing
the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare:StatesCare
and Market-Based Medicine.”
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