
Showing posts from August, 2020

Why Don’t We Get Monthly Medicare Checks Like Social Security?

  Long, long ago (“in a galaxy far, far away”), I was a schoolboy near Liverpool, England. In 1960, I won the Old Wallaseyans Stumps Speeches Debating Trophy. It was nice to win, but the really good part was that in the final round, I beat my brother Stewart. He and I competed for everything from grades and awards to girls. Now fifty-five years later, I need to fall back on debating style to raise an important question about Medicare. Point No. 1: Entitlements Are Free An entitlement is a right to have or to do something. Such a right is granted to you by God or by the government. (Often, the latter thinks it is the former.) You pay nothing for an entitlement. Indeed, that is a hallmark of an entitlement — it is free. Read more... Visit “ Fixing US Healthcare ” for more Info!! 

Healthcare is NOT federal responsibility

  Watch this video to learn five reasons why healthcare CANNOT be a federal responsibility.  Sign up for news and information at   How To Fix US Healthcare  

Federal Hypocrisy Over EpiPen: A Tale of Pot and Kettle

  Aphorisms like "the pot calling the kettle black" persist because they keep being proven relevant. Such is the case with politicians' outrage over Mylan Pharmaceuticals' price gouging for its life-saving EpiPen: their price has risen from less than $100 for a two-pack in 2007 to $600 today. The government ("pot") is loudly and very publicly calling Mylan ("the kettle") "black"-at fault-for something the government itself did. The solution to the exorbitant price of EpiPen is not public shaming, such as claiming that Mylan is "just the latest troubling example of a company taking advantage of its consumers." The solution is not Mylan's proposed coupon program or its introduction of a "generic." Most definitely, the solution is not more government controls through regulation. The answer lies in releasing market forces from government suppression. If government bureaucratic barriers were eliminated, sellers could co...

Can We "Build on ACA Success"?

Democrats plan to make healthcare a defining issue in the 2020 presidential election. Their rallying cry is, "Build on the success of the ACA!" Is the ACA, in fact, a success, based on facts and evidence, not rhetoric and spin? Did Obamacare live up to its official name? Did it make health insurance "Affordable?" Did Obamacare make medical "Care" available to all Americans? No and No. The ACA did not make health insurance affordable. The ACA did not improve access to the medical care we all need. Most Americans believe that having insurance is the key to getting care: those with insurance get the care they need and the uninsured don’t. This is false, a myth. Commonly, the opposite is true.  Read more... Visit “ Fixing US Healthcare ” for more Info!!