The cure to our malignant health system

Clinical doctors can readily understand the continuing failure of the U.S. health care system. The attending physicians for Patient Healthcare–Washington, both legislative and executive branches–keep trying to treat the health care’s symptoms while refusing to seek the etiology of illness. To uncover the root cause for health care system failure, I applied the techniques and experience garnered by the business world such as network assessment, SPAcE analysis, value chain review; various audits and matrices; environmental scanning; Kaizen; Poka-Yoke; etc. The root cause diagnosis in Patient Healthcare became evident: cancer. Washington and its bureaucracy have become malignant, metastasizing to every part and aspect of health care. Federal bureaucrats practice medicine without a license, viz., pharmacy benefits managers, federal clinical algorithms, and authorize (or not) treatments needed by patients. Rather than palliate or mesmerize Patient Healthcare as t...