
Showing posts from November, 2019

The cure to our malignant health system

Clinical doctors can readily understand the continuing failure of the U.S. health care system. The attending physicians for Patient Healthcare–Washington, both legislative and executive branches–keep trying to treat the health care’s symptoms while refusing to seek the etiology of illness. To uncover the root cause for health care system failure, I applied the techniques and experience garnered by the business world such as network assessment, SPAcE analysis, value chain review; various audits and matrices; environmental scanning; Kaizen; Poka-Yoke; etc. The root cause diagnosis in Patient Healthcare became evident: cancer. Washington and its bureaucracy have become malignant, metastasizing to every part and aspect of health care. Federal bureaucrats practice medicine without a license, viz., pharmacy benefits managers, federal clinical algorithms, and authorize (or not) treatments needed by patients. Rather than palliate or  mesmerize  Patient Healthcare as t...

Nationally Recognized Healthcare Authority Says the Answer to Healthcare Woes Will Please All Americans, Except Washington

Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA, explains why StatesCare is the path to achieving affordable, accessible health care  ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Amidst wild promises and counter arguments about healthcare, one conclusion is crystal clear to all Americans. Washington has made a mess “fixing” our healthcare system for fifty years. Polls show healthcare is everyone’s top concern, even above immigration, the environment, or the economy. Americans simply can’t afford insurance and can’t find a doctor. But there is hope, says nationally recognized healthcare authority Deane Waldman, MD, MBA. It comes in a form Congressional Democrats as well as Republicans will try to oppose. The solution is outlined in his new book, Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare & Market-Based Medicine (ADM Press).  “It’s a plan that neither Democrats nor Republicans will like because it restores control where it belongs – in the hands of We the Patients,” Dr. Deane says. He adds, “Why must all Ameri...

Waldman: A Graph worth ten million words

You probably already know that our current system is broken and doesn't work. And whether you're a Democrat or Republican, you probably agree that neither party has come up with a solution to make health care more available and more affordable right now. One simple graph explains why U.S. healthcare is impossibly expensive and why our spending is wasteful: federal bureaucracy. Click to learn more!

You don't want an EFFICIENT doctor!

An efficient doctor spends the least time with each patient. That way he or she sees the most patients. What you want is an EFFECTIVE physician, one who restores good health. For less than $10, you can have peace of mind when it comes to your healthcare needs. Click  to learn more!

In Healthcare,Freedom or Entitlement – Choose One

How did 13 small colonies of the globe-spanning British Empire become the leader among nations in less than two and a half centuries? Answer: Freedom and its resulting “can do” culture. Freed from government controls and released from class constraints, the “new Americans” believed they could do anything and everything, and then . . . they did. In1825 U.S.A., Alexis de Tocqueville observed that the federal government was not involved in the daily lives of Americans. Entitlements did not exist. Before 1776, Americans were entitled   to whatever the British aristocracy gave to its subjects. In 20 th century Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, comrades were entitled to whatever the Central Committee decreed. Have Americans reverted to become subjects of a new aristocracy–the federal professional political class?   Are we a resurrected proletariat subservient to a totalitarian state? Will we replace freedom and capitalism with socialism and entitlement? If the Democr...

Medicare-for-All Is Poison–“StatesCare” Is the Antidote

Deceptively labeled Medicare-for-All, Democrats’ plan for single payer healthcare, is nothing less than poison–hemlock for healthcare. It will “federalize” our system, what is called nationalization in socialist countries. Medicare-for-All would exacerbate the three basic problems Americans face in healthcare: overspending, un-affordability, and inadequate access. Adding insult to injury, Medicare-for-All, H.R. 1384, is unconstitutional. First, the evidence of poison, then the antidote.   Calling Sanders’ plan “Medicare-for-All,” is the height of dishonesty. Section 901(a)(1)(A) of H.R. 1384 abolishes the Medicare program and Section 701(d)takes all the money in the Medicare Trust Fund. Washington has been fixing US healthcare for more than fifty years. Their “fixes” have brought us to the current brink of disaster. Medicare (1965) will be insolvent by 2026. Medicaid (1965) fails to deliver care needed by medically vulnerable Americans. EMTALA (Emergency Medic...