Public option won't serve the public | Dr. Deane Waldman - Fixing US Healthcare

BY DEANE WALDMAN, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 01/24/21 02:00 PM EST THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT THE VIEW OF THE HILL Democrats now control the White House and both Houses of Congress, albeit with very slim majorities. What will they do with (or to) health care? “Medicare for All” or the House bill — Medicare for All Act of 2019 — is probably a non-starter. Introduced almost two years ago, the act has never been brought to a vote probably because of its price tag of $32.6 trillion to $40 trillion. Worse, the Medicare-for-All bill, H.R. 1384, will reduce access to care. The centerpiece of the Biden Health Care plan is the public option. Polls show support for that approach though, not surprisingly, few know precisely what public option means or what it will do. According to the Biden health plan, a public op...