
Showing posts from July, 2020

Five Bogus Healthcare Narratives and One True

There are so many compelling narratives about healthcare, people simply can't distinguish truth from falsehood. Without knowing the facts about healthcare, we cannot fix it. Following are five examples of commonly accepted wisdom that are bogus, myths, and one true narrative. When you accept that Washington is the cancer in healthcare, the cure becomes clear, obvious, and politically unacceptable (to the Beltway). To fix healthcare, We the Patients need to kick Washington out so we can decide for ourselves, in our states, what healthcare structure works best for us. Washington's one-size-fits-all ... does't. The true narrative is StatesCare, the one and only effective "fix" for healthcare: Eject Washington from healthcare. Let We the Patients decide their care and their spending. Read More:  bureaucracy in healthcare Visit “ Fixing US Healthcare ” for more Info!!

The BIGGEST Healthcare Lie: Washington Will Provide Our Care

Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress have bought into three healthcare lies: big, bigger, and biggest. The first says health insurance is what we need. The second presumes that having insurance means you will get care. The biggest lie is that Washington will deliver timely medical care for all Americans.  For five decades, Washington's fixes for healthcare have made things worse, not better. Healthcare has become Washington is the cancer-it cannot be the cure. We need to release healthcare from federal control. Healthcare should return to the states, where it belongs according to the U.S. Constitution.  What is healthcare without federal control? It is called StatesCare, where Washington plays no role, and where the states singly or in groups decide what type of healthcare system will best serve their residents.  Read More:  US healthcare Critically ill Visit “ Fixing US Healthcare ” for more Info!!  

Why Did I Get the Wrong Rx?

The reason you got a prescription for the wrong medication is simple. Your doctor did not choose it, someone who never heard your name and doesn't know your medical history, that faceless person decided what medicines you take. These faceless, unseen doctors-without-licenses are government rule writers, insurance actuaries, and bureaucrats working for pharmacy benefits management (PBM). Every day thousands of Americans get the WRONG medication for their illness. It’s time to return decision-making authority where it rightfully belongs: with you and your doctor.  Read More:   Doctor Patient Relationship Visit “ Fixing US Healthcare ” for more Info!!