
Showing posts from January, 2020

Medicaid – Success or Failure?

Created in 1965 as a medical safety net for “disabled, aged, and blind,”. Medicaid now provides no-charge medical insurance for 74 million Americans.  Has Medicaid been successful in providing for their medical needs or not?  Buy the Book “ Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare "  to understand why healthcare is failing and what can you do to save yourself and your loved ones.  Visit the Website:  Health Insurance in the United States

Great Britain Offers Cautionary Tale on Single Payer

First Charlie Gard and now Alfie Evans. These are babies who, though verbally silent, still gave clarion warnings to proponents of single-payer health care: The government — not my parents — is in charge of my life, and the government chose death. Charlie Gard was born in August 2015 with a rare genetic disorder that carried a poor long-term prognosis. In July 2017, little Charlie was just 23 months of age and on a ventilator. Over the objections of his parents, British doctors decided to withdraw life-sustaining care. According to British Courts, the National Health Service (NHS), the country’s single-payer system, is the ultimate medical decision maker — not the family. Ventilator support was withdrawn and Charlie died. Starting in March 2018, another 23-month old British baby hit the headlines. Alfie Evans was a comatose child whose NHS doctors said his condition was hopeless. They wanted to terminate life support, but the parents wanted to transfer their child to Rome’s Bambi...

California wants single payer and Texas wants free market - say hello to ‘StatesCare’

California may try to create a statewide single payer healthcare system. Bernie Sanders still wants single payer Medicare-for-All for Vermont despite its demise aborning in 2014. Texas wants a free market system. Washington desperately seeks a way out of their healthcare dilemma, especially the imploding Medicaid program. Believe it or not, there is a way to make everyone’s dreams come true. Washington just has to do two things: one fairly easy and one very hard. The easy part is to give each state: (a) a large, fixed amount block grant for Medicaid plus (b) a portion of the state’s federal tax contribution according to how much was spent on healthcare in prior years. The hard part is easy to write but most would say is politically impossible. (I don’t.) Washington should repeal all federal mandates referring to healthcare. Then, let the states to decide how to structure their healthcare both for the medically needy and the general population. Read More... Dr. Deane Wal...

Health Coverage (insurance) doesn't equal CARE

Most people believe the key to getting  health care  is having insurance.  Not true: many people with insurance don’t get care – some die in line waiting for care, especially with government-supplied health insurance.  Buy the Book " Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare "  to understand why healthcare is failing and what can you do to save yourself and your loved ones.

More coverage doesn't necessarily translate into better patient care

Everyone believes that the purpose of a healthcare system is to get the right care on time to the most people, and everyone is right. Where common wisdom goes astray is the presumption that coverage equals care. Most people think that having health insurance guarantees getting healthcare, i.e., 1. Those who have coverage will get care, and 2. those who don’t have coverage won’t get care. Both statements are wrong. Ever since EMTALA (Emergency Medical Transport and Labor Act) was passed in 1986, U.S. hospitals have cared for millions of sick Americans who have no insurance. Care is provided to those with no coverage at all. Between Medicaid, Medicare, and other public programs, the federal government is by far the largest single U.S. insurer, covering 120 million Americans. Washington has given people the expectation of receiving care when and where they need it. But coverage does not lead to that happy result. In fact, as no-charge coverage has increased, care has gone down...

Healthcare CANNOT be a patient's "right"

Healthcare CANNOT be a right! If  health care  becomes patients’ “right,” then providers lose their right to be free. The logic is inescapable. 

Waldman_What's Wrong with Single Payer?

While touted as simple and promising free care for all, single payer is extremely complex and bureaucratic; prohibitively expensive; will reduce access to care; and replaces  American freedom  with entitlement. 

Health care is not a federal responsibility | Choose Your Healthcare

There are a host of good reasons to “repeal” the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). “Replace” is an entirely different matter. Start with its negative effects on individuals and on our country. Americans are experiencing skyrocketing health insurance costs—premiums, co-pays, and deductibles—which is the opposite of what the law’s name promised: affordable. The ACA is wasting trillions of dollars even though President Obama initiated his takeover of health care claiming we had to “bend down the [health care] spending curve.” Supporters of President Obama’s signature law loudly tout its one success—an increase in the number of insured Americans. Regrettably, it did so by reducing access to medical care for all Americans. Read the Complete Blog " A doctor’s straight talk: America, your health care is not a federal responsibility " to know why healthcare shouldn’t be controlled by Washington. Health care decisions should be made by We the People, not by federal bureaucra...

In Healthcare,Freedom or Entitlement – Choose One

How did 13 small colonies of the globe-spanning British Empire become the leader among nations in less than two and a half centuries? Answer: Freedom and its resulting “can do” culture. Freed from government controls and released from class constraints, the “new Americans” believed they could do anything and everything, and then . . . they did. In1825 U.S.A., Alexis de Tocqueville observed that the federal government was not involved in the daily lives of Americans. Entitlements did not exist. Before 1776, Americans were entitled to whatever the British aristocracy gave to its subjects. In 20th century Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, comrades were entitled to whatever the Central Committee decreed. Have Americans reverted to become subjects of a new aristocracy–the federal professional political class? Are we a resurrected proletariat subservient to a totalitarian state? Will we replace freedom and capitalism with socialism and entitlement? If the Democrats manage to enact...